Synonyms for shadow (

apparition,  bogey  (also bogie or bogy),  familiar spirit,  ghost,  haunt,  materialization,  phantasm, (also fantasm),  phantom,  poltergeist,  shade,  specter (or spectre),  spirit,  spook,  sprite,  vision,  visitant,  wraith.
So there you are.
What else is new?

The Shadow certainly enjoyed the Club Changeover, seeing some members dressed up in collar and tie, and others in “casual chic”.

Some sipping wine, and others perhaps on something stronger.

Wouldn’t a Sergeant-at-Arms have a field day?

Fortunately Katrina Flinn kept an iron fist on the control button, so there were no unexpected surprises (as happened at a recent District Event)

We’re still waiting to hear the Sergeant fine the miscreant. 



There’s a lovely article in “Rotary Down Under” on World Population Day (July 11th).  It contains this from UNICEF - State of the world’s children: 


“Believe it or not: Family planning could bring more benefits at less costs than any other single technology now available to the human race.”


However whenever the topic of family planning is raised in Rotary, the usual response is “That’s covered in “Maternal and Child Health”.  

End of conversation.


See you all, next Rotary Year!