Posted by Geoff Wright
Once again the Mock Job Interviews at Auburn High School were well received and enjoyed by everyone involved. 
The program was organised by Careers Pathways and Transitions Manager Deb Martis, with Geoff Wright and David Owen.
Eighty-five pupils had the opportunity of a simulated job interview in a non-threatening environment, followed by feed-back on their introductory letters, CVs and personal presentation. Several students interviewed extremely well, and all thanked the interviewers. Many expressed a wish to return for a re-run next year. 
Twenty Rotarians and partners were involved, including Jane Bentley, Holly Reid, Libby Owen and Ralph Treloar: it was especially nice to see David Owen, Bill Troedal and Ken McNamara making the trip to participate.
The school provided a luxurious morning tea-break, and Principal Maria Karvouni thanked the club for supporting this highly successful program.