Hi WHR Service Team:
Great job this past weekend! Hope you enjoyed making a difference in our community while having fun and enjoying each other's company!
Our next service project is to create Welcome Home Kits for households transitioning out of homelessness. This includes purchasing items and creating the kits. 
To save us some time, we're going to try to purchase the items beforehand by breaking up the list of items. Then we're going to meet on Sunday, May 2 at 9am at Partners in Care (located at the Aloha United Way building) to assemble the kits. This way we can leave the kits there, saving us a delivery trip. Here are the details:
Project: Welcome Home Kits
Date: Sunday, May 2, 2021, at 9:00 am
Location: Partners in Care (Aloha United Way Building, 200 N. Vineyard Blvd, Building A, Suite 210)
Details: We will be making 10 Welcome Kits for 1-bedroom apartments.
  1. Please sign-up using the doodle poll link:  https://doodle.com/poll/2sunk7pxny658t4i?utm.
  2. Take a look at the shopping list and sign-up in the blue column for the items you'd like to shop for by the end of Wednesday, April 28. The items, quantities, and basic descriptions are listed. Please use your own judgment with regards to size, quality, and cost. We'd like to get the best value, if possible. The items don't have to match. However, we'd like to at least keep the items per kit the same (e.g., eating utensils, plates, etc.). We also welcome donated items if you would like to purchase and donate or if you have unused items at home.
  3. Shop at your own time at your favorite store for the items and quantities you signed up for. Suggested stores include Walmart, Target, Sam's Club, and Costco. Keep your receipts. 
  4. By Friday, April 30, please mark if you have purchased your items or are certain you will purchase the items by Sunday in the green column. Any remaining items Cici will try to pick-up on Saturday.
  5. On Sunday, May 2, join your fellow WHR members at Partners in Care to assemble the Welcome Kits. Bring the following items, if you have them:
    • Large cardboard boxes
    • Permanent markers
    • Scissors
    • Packing tape
    • String
    • Newspaper
    • Plastic or paper shopping bags
    • Rolling cart/hand truck
Attire: Feel free to wear your WHR polo. **NOTE: The AC is off in their building. They will have fans, but it will likely be warm.
Questions: Please contact Cici Fong (cafong@gmail.com or 808-429-8535).
Thank you for your help!