Richmond Rotary Meets with Digital Marketing expert, Ray Wang.
On Wednesday, March 10th, the Richmond Rotary Club met with Ray Wang, a Digital Marketing expert living in Richmond, BC.
Ray launched RW Digital Marketing in 2019, and his new business earned him a finalist spot for the Richmond Chamber of Commerce's New Business of the Year Award in 2020.
Ray gave Rotarians a crash course in the intricacies of digital marketing including google ads; SEO; paid ads; google analytics; text analytics; and PR influencers. 
If you run a small or medium sized business, you need to understand the ins and outs of digital marketing. According to Ray's presentation, to effectively market a business digitally requires a whole new set of tools in your marketing tool box, and allocating the appropriate business resources into digital marketing is critical to success (paid ads; search engine optimization and key word placement).
As a number of Rotarians are small business owners, they were keenly interested to hear from Ray how to expand the reach of their business, and what is required to effectively digitally market a company in 2021. 
If you're interested in learning more about Ray and his digital marketing agency, please visit: