Today's speaker was Vicky Martinez of the Communidad Para Baja organization, introduced by Teresa Todd.
Minutes of Rotary Club of SLV
November 16, 2016
Members in attendance: Judy, Don, Laurie, Janet, Joe, Julie, Eric, Mary, Cameron, Heather, Mike, Charlie, Ken, Karen, Carol, Franziska.  Guests: Bill Rush, Theresa Todd, Vicki Martinez, Carol Schwartzbach.
President Karen opened the meeting with the flag salute, introductions and Thought for the Day.
Announcements: This Saturday is the annual food drive. We will have 2 hour shifts at tables at Safeway. Don and Charlie volunteered to help. No meeting next Wednesday; we are dark for the Thanksgiving holiday. Thanks to President Karen, we were awarded one computer for a student in need. SLVUSD will help find the match. Cameron volunteered to work with the student one hour a week for a total of 5 weeks. SLV Rotary Christmas gift shopping is on Dec. 10. Our annual holiday party is Friday, Dec. 16. Cards circulated for Carmen and Priscilla. Nominating committee will meet today immediately following the meeting.
Foundation Moment with Mike Holton: Bring your checks! Give $200 by next week and be entered in the district’s raffle. Mike passed out raffle tickets.
Detective: Turkey facts by Joe! Thanks, Joe
Guest Speaker: Vicki Martinez, liaison between all of the community services and volunteer organizations.
Theresa Todd, President and Director of BECA, introduced Vicki Martinez,
Vicki shared individual stories and pictures of BECA students and talked about the school programs. She shared that the students demonstrate enthusiasm and perseverance as they pursue their dreams of an education and career. The students’ stories were inspiring and demonstrate the positive impact BECA is making on the children of the indigenous tribes of northern Baja communities. Last year, 239 BECA scholarships were given out. Their goal is to give out 350 scholarships. Last week, dentists from CA, Mexico, and pre-dental students from UC Davis came to give dental care to the residents.
Drawing: Judy’s number was drawn and she drew the lucky 9 of hearts! Congratulation—the pot grows.
Past Presidents’ nominating committee will meet immediately following today’s meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at 8;30 am
Minutes respectfully submitted by J. Haff