Dear Fellow Rotarians,
     When Rotary opens "opportunities" it is not a "tiger" or the "woman" choice! It is all good. Even (maybe especially) during this time of global pandemic with social distancing and masks, Rotary is finding ways to step up and make a difference.
     Please talk to Cindy Hornaman or Rick Zayaitz if you want to help us meet the needs of families in the East Penn School District who are facing food insecurity.
     I just heard from Alan Sylvestre, who is on the Emmaus Recreation and Entertainment Commission. Emmaus is now planning to do a "reverse" Halloween Parade. What? Yes, you read correctly. The floats stay in place as families drive past in their cars!!! And wait for it... there is an opportunity open for us to serve. So I will be reaching out to Nicole Steirer and Karen Hobson, co-chairs of our Community Service Committee.
     Our 12th Annual Golf Outing was a big success....and fun, too! You will be hearing how our Golf Outing Committee is thinking big, taking it to the next level.... going over the top, Talk about an open door! (Intrigued? -- stay connected. You will hear more soon.)
 Some opportunities come with great sadness. 
Even as we mourn the loss of our friend and fellow Rotarian Bob Halsey, we honor him by continuing his work. His Family has requested that donations in his memory be given to the Emmaus Rotary Foundation and marked for our scholarship fund. In addition, even before his banner hit the ground, Meghan Reed has stepped up to pick up his special collection of aluminum tabs to benefit the Ronald MacDonald House at the Dupont Children's' Hospital in Delaware. This collection goes through the Miracle League. I am sure you will be hearing more from Meghan!!
     I look forward to being with you all at the Club/ President's Recognition Dinner tomorrow night at Brookside Country Club. Are you looking forward more to toasting or roasting Steve Gould? Get those "Happy Dollars" ready! 
     I heard we are going to have some special guests join us as we meet, eat  AND broadcast from Brookside. So. ..if you can't join us in personal, try hard to log in using the Vox Tandem link. There is a Board meeting immediately following, please let me know if you have agenda items.
Yours in Rotary,
Lexa Shallcross