Posted on Jan 05, 2021
Dear Fellow Rotarians,
     The words we chose to use make a difference. For example, have you heard people say, "we are in lockdown" when describing our current public health precautions during the Covid19 pandemic? 
     How different it felt when I read this post on Instagram from our local independent bookstore Let's Play Books when responding to questions about their hours, operations, and the decrease in their media presence since the holidays.
    "We are WINTERING. We are reading, thinking, discussing, questioning, and listening. Contemplating what matters. This year has taught us so many things-- most lessons we are just starting to explore. Join us for discussion......."
     A wave of that Scandinavian comfort, hygge, washed over me. Their post felt like someone just put another log on the fire, topped my glass, and was inviting me to something deep and intimate and wonderful. And I realized that that is exactly what Emmaus Rotary Club is doing, too.
We are wintering. We are together online, virtually on Vox Tandem, and we are trying to be all R- O- T- A- R- Y.  To try new things. To do new things. 
     Yes, this contagious virus epidemic has caused us to pivot. Think of a fulcrum, a lever-- the hinge of a barn door.  One end barely moves. The other wildly swings. One creates the force, the power, the energy for the other.  So, if you only experience Emmaus Rotary on Thursday mornings we may seem quiet, toned down a little. Yet, if you really look-- we are out in the community, serving others. And this Thursday, at our Club Assembly meeting, I am going to blow your minds. Promise. What until you hear the numbers. Really. Don't miss it. 
     Let's Play Books received the Emmaus Rotary Business Recognition Award in 2016.
     One last item: a reminder! Dues are due now. Please check your email for a message from Jim Palmquist, our Secretary. You may pay by forwarding Venmo dollars to Don Blose, our Sergeant at Arms. 
Yours in Service,
Lexa Shallcross
Emmaus Rotary President 2020-2021