Crete Rotary Club
Crete, NE
Here are some notes from last meeting:
  • Chris W. will check to see if members can sell grocery grab tickets at Foodmart during the Saturdays in September.  Please be looking for more communication on that.  It's strongly encouraged that members sell at least 2 books.  Tickets can be picked up from either Jim J. or Chris W.
  • For the sponsors, all tickets must be turned in before October 3 when the drawing will take place.  The grocery grab will be on October 16.
  • Jim J's ticket was drawn, but he did not find the queen of spades!  The pot will begin at $148 next meeting.
This week, we had a very special guest: Andrew Carnegie (portrayed by Crete's own Tom King).  Tom took us through his early years, getting his first job working in a cotton factory and being so proud of his first paycheck of $1.20.  He gained notoriety being a telegram messenger which brought him to his lifelong mentor Tom Scott--the head of the Pennsylvania railroad.  Tom began sharing his interest in stocks and gave "Andrew" a loan to purchase his very first stock!  When the dividend checks started coming, he became more invested and which became the start of his wealth building.  
When he was 33, he wrote a letter to himself saying that when he's done making money, he's going to give it all back.  Beginning in the early 1900's he started donating to libraries, concert halls, music venues, and foundation uses for charity.  He donated to 2800 libraries across the country, including our library in Crete!  In 1915, he donated $10,000 to build and pay for books at the Crete Public Library!  
Pictured: Tom King as Andrew Carnegie