Our next meeting will be scheduled for April 17.  As I have evaluated the past two virtual meetings, it appears that the most important part of our meetings is the socialization that occurs before the meeting. 
If you have not attended a virtual meeting yet, please join us on the 17th.  Our official meeting starts at 12:15 pm and ends by 1:00 pm.  Part of our official agenda includes a few minutes by one of our members speaking about their vocation or hobbies.  If you are joining our virtual meeting please join through Zoom.  If you can join at Noon or shortly thereafter, that first few minutes before the official meeting it is fun to catch up with our members. 
We are still doing Happy Dollars, so we can learn what is happening the lives of our members.  Since money raised through Happy Dollars is used to support Polio Plus, we have asked members to hang-on to the money donated, so when we get back together, we can give it to eradicating polio worldwide.
Again, I want to encourage our members to donate to their favorite cause, not just with dollars, but time and supplies too. 
Tabitha still needs more volunteers for Meals on Wheels.  Please consider adopting a route once a week (or more).  Each route takes about 45 minutes to an hour of your day. 
Please stay safe and healthy….