Kirsten Wise, Mayor of Napier is four months into her first term as Mayor and it is much busier than she anticipated.  
The Council have set clear goals which all Councillors are working hard to achieve.  
She has introduced a new structure, each Council member has their own portfolio which is their area to champion.  The communication between the elected members and the staff has greatly improved.  Council meetings are Live Streamed and while there was some scepticism there were 10,000 views to the first meeting.  
Areas of focus are restoring the War Memorial Centre. 
Guy Natusch, the original architect, is now 99 years old and he has been invited to the next War Memorial meeting.   Town Huddles are a new initiative and are held in each ward as an opportunity to have a casual conversation.  They provide a forum to ask questions and provide feedback.  
A consistent theme of these is the City’s water problems.  There are two main issues.  Dirty water, which is a manganese issue coming from two or three specific bores, and the chlorination of our water.  The Council is currently selecting the organisation to conduct a review. 
The Library – There are three preferred sites with the top of the list being a return to its’ original site.  This would also return some vitality to that side of town. 

The Aquatic Centre – They are still awaiting the outcome of the court case decision on whether the Council consulted enough.  We will be going out to the Community again to consult. 

Aquarium – As it is a national aquarium Central Government needs to provide substantial funding as it should not be a cost to the local ratepayers. 

Housing development – There are plans for 680 sections at Mission Heights and all future housing development will take place in the hills from the sea area.  It is estimated the City will need 2500 houses in the next ten years to meet the increase in population. 

Civic Building – the old one is not fit for purpose and negotiations are underway with an overseas developer for a hotel on the site.  The Council has not decided whether they will sell the land or lease it. 

The local provincial fund is keen to invest in the inner harbour – fishing club area. 
A very open informative talk.