Posted by David Hayford on Sep 28, 2017

Fellow Club member John Fuller has offered to share some health news/information with us from time to time. This week he shares:

I'll give John a rest this week, and provide the article myself.
Every time I see my Cardiologist, which is more frequent of late, he emphasized the importance of reducing salt in my diet.
Coincidentally, a recent Rotarian had a small blurb on that issue. It stated that the recommended dally intake of salt is 1500 mg. Typical Americans consume 3,400. That intake level increases the risk of hypertension (high blood pressure). which can lead to heart issues.
A recent report from the US Center do Disease Control states that nearly half that intake comes from just 10 foods: Bread, pizza, sandwiches, cold cuts/cured meats, soup, burritos and tacos, savory snacks, chicken, cheese, and eggs/omelets. Pretty hard to have an American diet that excludes those.
Sadly, the list does not include items like kale or cauliflower which are much easier to avoid.
Not mentioned in the article: my Cardiologist says that typical restaurant meals contain excessive amounts of salt.
Food for thought - unsalted.