Posted by David Hayford on Jun 15, 2017
Club member (and BLUE BADGE) Bill Kohl led off with a video entitled "Build an Adventure," showing highlights of modern scouting.
The Bay Lakes Council covers much of northern Wisconsin and the U.P. serves 27,000 young men annually. This area, which Bill covers, is the Twin Lakes District. It includes 46 units, serving 1,255 youth. 46% of those are in the Oshkosh area. Leaders, both adult and youth, log 4,000 hours.
Scouting is made up of:
   Cub Scouts - boys 1st - 5th grade
   Boy Scouts - boys and young men aged 11 through 18
   Venturing - co-ed of high school age.
The Interact Venturing Crew partners with our Club and Southwest Rotary. There are 31 members, who are able to participate at no cost. Recent activities included the Interact Overnight at Twin Lakes Scout Camp in February, which emphasized team building. Maple Syrup Day on April 1 at Bear Paw Camp.
The goal is to expand the program to serve more youth with more opportunities. 
Bill Kohl
Amy Wiernk then provided an update on the Exploring Program. Its theme is "Discover your future." The emphasis is teaching life and career skills.
Program goals include:
1) Cultivate future employees
2) Improve the education process
3) Prepare youth for transition from school to the workforce,
4) Commitment to the community.
There are 12 career ares, and they hope to add an aviation program.
The high school post is for agea 14 through 20. Middle School Club serves ages 10 -13. In all cases the goal is to be "hands on, interactive."
Finally, here is a pre-meeting picture which answers the question: How many Rotarians does it take to turn on a computer?
At least they are having fun doing it