Below are the final questions about the spotlight program: 


What similar programs in MN showed success and sustainability and what were their budgets and results? As noted previously, McPhail is working with more than 50 school partnership programs in the Twin City metro and greater Minnesota. We don’t have access to their results, but they have shared with us consistent progress and program success with these partnerships.

How will Rotary be involved in the next 3 years? Rotary will support the project in 3 ways: leadership, volunteering, and funding.

Who makes up the MMM Leadership Team and what are their backgrounds? The team consists of the District Superintendent (our own Denise Pontrelli), four pilot teachers, the pilot school principal, music specialists, and five Rotary members: Mary Planten-Krell, Rex Cattanach, Peter Polga, Scott Mercer and Dave Wettergren. Average tenure of our Club members exceeds 10 years.