"We are honored that the Rotary Club of Edina has made a contribution to The Rotary Foundation in memory of Donald Hustad. As a former member of the Hopkins Rotary Club, he would be pleased to know that our club chose to honor him by helping others. We sincerely appreciate your thoughtfulness, and thank you very much for your very generous gift to The Rotary Foundation."
-- Steve and Mary Hustad
"It is with deep appreciation that I am writing to thank the Edina Rotary Foundation for the generous donation ... toward our Arena Rake which will ensure even more safety for our riders, animals and participants in our therapeutic riding programs at Majestic Hills Ranch. In this current economic climate, competition for funding is fierce, so we are especially grateful for your support. Back in 1997 when we started providing our services, we saw a handful of children. In 2015, we built our attendance to serving 67 children per week, and also continued with our advanced riding program for children who are clearly able to go on and learn independent riding skills. We are pleased to announce that we are about to start our 19th year of service to our children and young adult riders and our seventh year with our "Heroes on Horseback" Veterans' program, serving 24 in 2015 and continuously increasing. It is a small way we can give back to those military veterans who have given so much to our country.
"This expansion and growth is only possible through the generous support of Foundations, corporations, organizations and individuals who believe in our work as strongly as we do. When we see the weekly improvements in the children and veterans and hear the stories of the changes that are occurring, how can we not fight tooth and nail to keep our services available to as many as possible?
"The Ranch is open to visitors with appointment, and we welcome you to come down and see our riders in action. Their smiles and successes are because you helped put them there."
-- Larry R. Johnson, Majestic Hills Ranch Foundation Board President
"On behalf of our entire staff and the families we serve, thank you for your recent grant award to purchase computer work stations and printers designated for families accessing Cornerstone services. This will ensure that participants have much-needed access to technology in order to help achieve their self-identified goals -- supporting their efforts to build safe, stable and healthy futures.
"Our Executive Director, Meg Schnabel, is looking forward to attending an upcoming meeting in June to share a few comments and receive the award. Please know we are thrilled to be able to offer these work stations and appreciate your recognition of the importance of this need.
"Cornerstone remains deeply committed to addressing the needs of our community. We rely on community support to sustain these efforts and extend our sincere thanks for the loyal support for the Rotary Club of Edina. It makes a difference."
-- Ann Harrington, Cornerstone Grants Coordinator