The Edina Rotary Club is involved in many exciting endeavors here, near, and far. The Ending Human Trafficking Club was certified by Rotary International President Mark Maloney. Our club is participating in the Rotary Club of Minnesota Veterans Flag Sale. Support the club by purchasing flags, $5 for individual flags, and reduced prices for buying more. In addition to decorating with flags, get some Rotary swag for yourself. Jennifer Hendrickson announced the sale of Rotary shirts for $28 and $13. Do good AND look good!
Irene Kelly shared that the Edina Rotary Club was #1 in Per Capita Giving! Not a surprise because we've won that before, but thank you everyone for your generosity. Susan Stiles updated us on the annual TRF campaign. Dr. Sofia Posadas and Dr. Willy Menendez from Escuintla Regional Hospital joined the Zoom call and said our financial support of their medical works is decreasing mortality. They added, "Thank you very much!" and "We love you very much!"
The Program
The program focused on the work of Jon Kaufman and the Water Warriors. On a cruise with his sister, he witnessed thousands of Haitians picking through the trash thrown away by visiting tourists. This broke his heart and now he is committed to helping the poor become self-reliant, village by village. He soon learned that many problems villages face are caused by the lack of clean drinking water. "If you solve the water problem," Kaufman said, "you solve many problems." 
Kaufman became frustrated with other non-profits trying to provide water because they were digging shallow wells that often would break down and were not sustainable. With very few water points, many women are forced to walk long distances to collect water and walk back. The time consumed by fetching water is a factor in preventing them from working, attending, school, and other involvements. Kaufman shared a story that some people are so desperate for water, they collect water from holes in the ground bored by elephants to collect water. Tragically, a woman was scooping water from such a hole when an elephant burst out of a bush and trampled her to death.
Through Rotary's network, trips with Rotarians, and Rotary support, Kaufman has now installed 33 Sun Springs in various countries. Each Sun Spring provides 10,000 people with 2 liters of water. The machine is installed by a team of Rotarians, the locals are trained on how to maintain it, and women are chosen to lead the enterprise of selling the pure water. The water quality exceeds EPA standards and the machine is funded by the visiting Rotarians and other grants through Rotary Clubs. Kaufman is hoping to amp up the installations to provide even more people with clean water and entrepreneurial opportunities.