John Wilson, our guest speaker is a sports physiotherapist who previously worked with elite athletes.  He came highly recommended by some people in the room.  His topic of demystifying back pain had everyone enthralled.  With pictures of scans and X rays John gave us all great information.  
If back pain does not resolve, and nothing shows up on scans, then it is time to look deeper.  The relationship between stress and pain is key.  Anxiety, stress and anger will change blood flow and muscle tension causing pain.

There are many ingredients on how to relieve back pain. The practice of crack and crunch only for chronic pain have gone.   Phone apps such as Headspace meditation and Smiling Mind are used for relaxation of muscle tension.  Relaxation, massage, heat and appropriate exercise used daily will greatly improve the situation.  Good sleep is vital for the recovery.  A resource for helping with sleep is the ABC show online, Catalyst.

John happily answered questions as most people in the room indicated that they had had back pain previously.  An interesting and educational speaker.