Posted by Lee Olitzky on Jun 02, 2021
Centennial Event News and Updates...Guest List Development
Centennial Event Guest List - In order for the Club to plan, provide as much exposure for RCOT as possible, and to ensure maximum bidding for the live auction that evening, we NEED you to go to the RCOT website, log in, click on RCOT Member Area located at the top right of the menu bar of the home page, then click on Centennial Event Member Guest List from the drop down menu. This will take you to a live Excel Google Doc to fill in the information.  Since this is a Live document, please DO NOT make changes to this Excel Sheet.  Those that you list will receive a “Save the Date” via email.  You will still need to register and make payment for yourself and your guests on Eventbrite in the future.  You will be notified when this is available.
Please provide this information as soon as possible. We plan to send out the Save the Date email in May.