Posted by Scott Shore

"I've heard of Rotary, but what does Your Club actually DO?"


We get asked that question by friends, neighbors, relatives & donors, …but do we have an answer?  


STEP ONE: List projects hosted or supported by your Club. 

STEP TWO: create a handout, pamphlet or poster proudly listing those service accomplishments! 

STEP THREE: Get the word out to those friends, neighbors, relatives & donors – they are all POTENTIAL MEMBERS (as WE were!) ...just waiting to be asked to help with one or more of those projects, or to add their own ideas to the list !  

STEP FOUR: Add it to your Club website, facebook page, and weave it into other social media that your members use to connect with others!


Ideas for getting YOUR projects on paper: 


Check out the new PAMPHLET TEMPLATE in's "Brand Center"… (>> Sign In >> Brand Center >> Materials >>Create Your Own) --it has everything we need to create a slick and attractive pamphlet on your own home computer using 28# paper -- AND you can insert your own project list, meeting day, place, time, and contact information! 


One Club turned their list into a TRIVIA QUIZ – “Which group of community leaders has virtually cured the world of polio, provides humanitarian service throughout the world, and does XYZ in our own community? 


Another Club listed their favorites along with meeting and contact info on a business card.


Even just a single-page typed LIST that you can hand to guests and potential members, will get the point across! 


THE CHALLENGE: Submit your ideas to District PI Chair PDG Jim Nelson 

at by Sept. 30 --- Or if you already have such a list in YOUR club, please share a copy with us so that we can share YOUR ideas with others!


So….What DOES your Club do??


Yours in Rotary,


Scott A. Shore, District PI Committee Member

Past District Governor 2016-2017


Jim Nelson, District PI Chair

Past District Governor 2015-2016


Steve Kuhn, District Governor 2017-2018