This update will reflect the status of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI) as of January 22, 2020. 

While there is good news out of Nigeria, with no new cases of wild polio virus (WPV), Pakistan and Afghanistan remain problematic.  It is very possible that Nigeria will be declared polio free this year (barring no new cases), and that means the entire continent of Africa will be declared polio free for the first time!  That is very exciting.  There continues to be sporadic cases of vaccine-derived polio cases (cVDPV), which is expected as long as the oral polio vaccine continues to be the primary vaccination mechanism.  Eventually the plan is to convert to injectable vaccine, which is more effective, but also more expensive and requires more intense training of vaccinators.  



WPV cases

cVDPV cases

















What accounts for the slide in the wrong direction?  The answer continues to be distrust of western nations & vitriolic mullahs that ‘poison’ the intent and convince their followers to refuse vaccination.  All sorts of ridiculous claims about nefarious schemes are abundant.  Polio vaccinators continue at great risk to their lives to get to these small villages.  Several were murdered in 2019.  In some areas there is a loss of willingness and momentum to continue this necessary vaccination effort.  

So what is the plan and how do we continue the fight and turn the tide once again in our favor?  We must get this done, and we will!

Efforts to improve vaccination rates include intense ongoing public information campaigns, trans-border vaccination stations, and sometimes the provision of fresh water wells, and malaria nets.  The provision of other public health tools is often enough to get people to vaccinate.  

We are not done yet and we must continue to press forward.  To date the program has saved hundreds of thousands of children from a lifetime of polio and it’s terrible consequences.  Many millions of health care dollars have also been saved not having to treat the afflicted.  

Younger members might be surprised if the ask the older members of their family about their experiences with polio.  Often you find your own family or neighbors have suffered from polio.  We encourage every member and club to continue to donate to the Polio Plus program.  We will get this done! 

Paul Stromborg, MD

District 6420 Polio Chair