The COVID-19 Taskforce of the Rotary Foundation, has made the following recommendations made for the engagement of Rotarians in combatting COVID-19.
Five suggested areas of engagement for Rotarians:
  1. Community education
  2. Equitable distribution 
  3. Combat misinformation 
  4. Stop the spread of COVID-19
  5. Encourage vaccination 
The COVID-19 Taskforce of the Rotary Foundation, has made the following recommendations made for the engagement of Rotarians in combatting COVID-19.
Five suggested areas of engagement for Rotarians:
  1. Community education
  • Share information from local and regional health authorities and support their efforts. 
  • Contact your local health department to determine where assistance is most needed.   
  1. Equitable distribution 
  • Connect with local health departments/agencies (including WHO and UNICEF where applicable) to advocate for and support their efforts to ensure all communities receive equal access to the vaccine.  
  1. Combat misinformation 
  • Disseminate accurate, fact-based information (as provided by local health agencies). 
  • Advocate by spreading the word that #vaccineswork. Use Rotary’s work on polio eradication as a key example. 
  • Invite a medical professional or local health department official to speak virtually at a club meeting. 
  • Engage with local media (e.g. letters to the editor) in support of local efforts. 
  1. Stop the spread of COVID-19
  • Continue to engage in projects supporting mask-wearing, social distancing, proper hygiene practices, and donation of PPE.  
  • Lead by example (wear masks and practice social distancing at all times) and share images online that reflect these behaviours.
  1. Encourage vaccination 
  • Get vaccinated as soon as your country’s system permits and share your experience online.