Article submitted by Past District Governor Tim Moore
All Presidents, Secretaries and President Elects have been sent a set of a Rotary International approved Club Constitution and editable By Laws, plus supporting documents.   These are courtesy of David Whiting, a solicitor in District 9800.   While I realise that these are not everybody’s cup of tea, they represent  an enormous saving in time and money for clubs.  At least $500 per club.   All incorporated clubs must register their rules and any changes with the Department of Consumer Affairs.   Over the last 6 years there have been many changes to our Rotary Constitution in 2016 and 2019 with the decisions of the Council on Legislation. Very few clubs have registered the necessary changes.   So, here is a gift you are welcome to take advantage of.
The benefit of the ones sent to your clubs is that the Constitution attached has been approved and is in sync with the Rotary International club constitution, with adaptations for Victoria.  This is no easy feat and almost impossible if done on a club basis.  Spaces are left for your club name and locality.   
The By Laws provided are editable and consistent with RI’s suggested club By Laws, but allowing for individual clubs who wish to adapt them.  These are not needed by Consumer Affairs, but guide your Club in its procedures for dealing with things like membership rights and privilege, new membership types and satellite clubs.  Both need to be approved by your club at an AGM or special meeting, then the Constitution forwarded to the Dept of Consumer Affairs.
If you have any queries in the first instance, please email PDG Tim, or call
0418 175 895
PS: there will be a new version  of the constitution sent to reflect an incorrect AGM deadline date – please ensure you have the one marked FINAL March 2020.