The Do’s and Don’t of Attendance and Make-ups

Do come to our regularly scheduled meetings at the Shilo because that is the fastest and best way to be marked ‘present’ on the attendance.

Don’t be afraid that the world will come to an end if you miss a meeting because we allow you to make-up a missing meeting 14 days and 14 days after. You can plan to take a vacation and not miss a beat with Rotary!

Do strive for perfect attendance because there are many great Rotarians you will join.

Don’t think the world will come to an end if you don’t have perfect attendance by the end of the year because there are many great Rotarians you will join.

Do state your name as you walk by me to be absolutely positive that I have marked present.

Don’t just walk in and assume that someone noticed you because that may not be the case.

Do pick up the right name badge unless of course you want to be known as someone else for the day but you must make sure the other person takes your name badge so you can both be marked present.

Don’t assume that I know your complete name because there are 120 of you and only one of me so I sometimes get confused. The husband and wife teams, Passman, Browning, Kaye are not bad but the Griffins, Taylors, 4 Richards and 2 Jones sometimes can be a challenge.   I never get confused with Bubba because he always stands in front of my face and announces, “Hello, my name is Bubba”.

Do check Club Runner at least twice per month to make sure your attendance is where it needs to be and look around while you are there. There are many interesting projects happening.

Don’t stress if you receive the ‘we missed you at the meeting’ email because I send those out to everyone, not picking on anyone specifically.

And finally, Do know that there are many, many ways to make up a missed meeting. A Rotary activity such as RI Convention, Committee Meeting, Board Meeting, New Member Orientation Meeting, Rotaract Meeting, Monthly Socials are just some examples of how you can bring balance back into your world and maintain your perfect attendance.

If all else fails and you run out of time, you can always sit back in the comfort of your home and log into Club Runner, go to Club Links and then to Online Meeting Make-Ups-Rotary, eClub Online. Spend 30 minutes reading or watching a video and then click to submit a make-up. It’s that simple! 

See ya at the next meeting!

Your Secretary
