A Veterans Day Thank You
Hello Friends & Fellow Rotarians:
Today I wish to share my personal appreciation for all of our Rotarian Veterans who have served our country with honor. So, to each and every one of you – thank you for your commitment and your service to our families and our nation.
Kathy and I also take a moment each Veterans Day to remember our son Chip, who passed away while he was serving our country, and another fine young veteran who left us far too soon.                       
In 1954, President Dwight Eisenhower issued a proclamation calling on the Nation to "solemnly remember the sacrifices of all those who fought so valiantly, on the seas, in the air, and on foreign shores, to preserve our heritage of freedom, and let us reconsecrate ourselves to the task of promoting an enduring peace so that their efforts shall not have been in vain."
Let us remember those veterans who did not return safely. Let us keep our promise to those veterans who have served our country honorably and demand that they receive the best physical and mental health care services, the best educational opportunities and the best job opportunities available when they return.
Let those of us not called upon to fight offer to our veterans at home and our troops abroad what they so richly deserve — our respect, our sincere gratitude, and our assistance wherever and whenever it is needed.   
With thanks,
DG Don Jorgensen
A father and son of veterans