
The Rotary Club of San Luis Obispo de Tolosa will contribute $1,500 to I Care International for its 2015 trip to Peru.  Two Club members will participate as volunteers (Marti Lindholm & Sandra Lee) and the Club’s $1,500 will buy 1,000  pairs of readers  of all different powers, 1,000 pairs of sunglasses to help with those who labor in the intense sunlight, help those heart wrenching cases (cancer, trauma, etc), and help purchase glasses for those with very strong glasses prescriptions.  The clinic will serve more than 2,000 people who live in rural, underserved areas in Peru.

I Care's goal is to help others improve their quality of life by providing the gift of better vision and health. From the little boy who smiles because now he sees the clouds in the sky, to the older lady who cries because now she can sew and have an income, I Care International is changing lives one by one. Vision professionals and scores of volunteers have ventured to sites in both Latin America and the United States to provide tens of thousands of people with free eye care, medications and glasses.

Thanks to Mike McNamara & Sandra Lee for organizing this important effort.