Rotary Club of Everett
At 12:00 PM President Greg Lineberry led us in the Pledge of Allegiance.  This began his 18th meeting of the year and our 5,420th meeting of the Rotary Club of Everett.
This meeting was a hybrid social meeting.
Ed Peterson - he had happy bucks for Judi being here to help us
Marc Baker - he was glad to be back in Everett for awhile
Judi Edwards - she’s happy to be back and to be done training Sandy. She is going home tomorrow
Paul Stoot - He hasn’t seen others since pandemic. The School is doing well. It is hosting it’s 22nd annual fundraiser. He encouraged us to register for virtual auction. He had $100 for a bell-ringer.
Jerry Tucker - Oregon ducks are now #7 in nation. 
PROGRAM:  Social Event
Paul Harris RecognitionPresident Greg recognized Ralph Quaas with a 3 ruby Paul Harris pin that represents Ralph’s 9th Paul Harris.   His goal is hitting the 10k mark. 
Raffle Drawing Winners.
Small Prize Winner - Erik Samuelson
Medium Prize – John Olson
Large Prize winner - Mike Holcomb
Grand Prize Winner – Judi Edwards.  She received a bottle of Vodka and a $100 gift certificate to Olive Garden
The meeting concluded with Walt Greenwood providing musical entertainment.
President Greg adjourned the meeting at 1:00 pm
Respectfully Submitted by,
Kevin Nichols
Photography Submitted by.
Tammy Dunn
NEXT PROGRAM: Fundraiser Month