This will become a regular way to communicate to our membership so if you have ideas and articles for inclusion please pass them along to me so that I can include at the earliest opportunity.

Stay tuned for more messages from the various committee chairs as they progress toward their committee goals, this is a chance for everyone to become involved without taking up too much of their valuable personal time.
The Weekly Bulletin will also include a reminder to each recipient for all registrations and club related commitments including event attendance, volunteering, weekly meeting roster, and any responsibilities associated with new membership tasks. The eBulletin will automatically include the club's future speakers and have a link to the club web site to promote awareness.

Of course, it will only provide all these perks if we all use the site to register for activities and provide feedback to the directors so please feel free to step up and use the tools we now have. 

At this time we are adding to the site so some features are still to be added and enabled. Please bear with us as we master the art of Web site creation.