Most of us will remember Ferron from about 4 years ago..when she formed a close relationship with our Club in her efforts to build a school in Kenya. Ferron spoke of  this early dream and how she had known from about the aage of 9 that her purpose in life was to change the  world.  It is great to know that she did and that she continues to do so!
Ferron is now 19 and studying at Douglas College..her vocational goal is to become a nurse and she can see herself using that in her life purpose..she would like to one day work with an agency like Doctors without Borders.
Her school is now up and running..its Swahili name means "hope". Through an agricultural model, the school is self substaining and serves both adults and children as well as doubling as a community centre.
Her newest venture is through a school initiative known as the Douglas College Zambia Global Leadership  program and is essential a 3 month internship with an NGO in Zambia.  Ferron will be one of 10 students, from a variety of educational programs at DC, who will be leaving for Zambia in early May. Ferron will be doing education about HIV/Aids prevention with the local people.  She goes with the approach of working side by side with the local people  and hoping to learn from them as bridges and bonds are built with the community.  She is clearly excited and describes this adventure as "opening the door to the rest of my life".  Always having a vision..Ferron hopes to be part of a new effort Project LOVE (Let Our Voices Empower)which will take on the building of another school. will -- Change the World! We are very proud of you.