Today, September, Wednesday 30th, our Club enjoyed the presentation Cecil Unrau brought us, to prepare us for any possible catastrophe.
Cecil, has been with Port Moody Emergency Management for 3 years, as their Emergency Program Officer.  Cecil has 15 years of experience in Emergency Management and 25 years in Federal Law Enforcement.
Regardless of how prepared we think we are, here are some recommendations:
Among the Risks we face in BC:  Material Incients; weather; flooding; fires; power outages; terrorism; earthquakes, etc.
- Do you know your Community?  Get to know your neighbors, schools, areas of the community  where to meet.
- Family Emergency Plan.  
Plant where to meet with your family, work out a plan as a second option, just in case the first one doesn't work.
Never use the phone unless for emergency.
- Do you have an emergency plan? 
Prepare your home for earthquake by hiring a contractor to do Structural Fortification.
Restrain the water supply.Store 4 litres of water and replace every two months.  Bottle water lasts for around 5 / 6 years.
Sanitations - toiletry
Food supplies, use up what you have fresh in the fridge before using what you have in your freezer. Avoid junk food as it contains greater amounts of salt that induce more use of water.
- How prepared are you?
Have cash at hand, $20 and less.  Credit and Debit cards might be usable.
- Basic Emergency Supplies.
Food; water; radio and batteries; flashlights; sturdy footwear; toiletries.
Important documents (home insurance, passports, cash, Power of Attorney, Land Title. Take a picture off all your valuables.  
- Back up Emergency Power.
Back up generator.
Fire extinguisher (check that it is in effect).
- Vulnerable Population.
Need to conisider the needs of:
Diminished mental faculties.
Diminished coping abilities
Culturally challenged
Medical conditions and care.
- Pets.
Prepare a kit with all their needs, including, meds, water and food; vaccination records, etc.
- What to do in case of earthquake?
Turn off the Gas.  Become familiar with where it is located.  Get the appropriate wrench.  Also, become acquainted with the location of the Electric and Water shut offs.
- Lessons learned:
Stay in the building; Do Not leave, devries can fall on you.
Check for injuries; utilities; clean out dangerous spills.
Use sturdy gloves.
Get an analog telephone to use, as it is the only one you will be able to use, regardless of power outage.
Leave a note in a place that can be found in case you leave the premises; name and details on who should be looking for you and where you are heading.
Check in - Tune in, (public safety and announcements).
- What you can do tonight.
Start by having a KIT under your bed.
Carbon monoxide and fire detector.
Shake Out BC's.
Check out.
Disaster Preparedness Supplies in Delta; F.A.S.T. Limited.
Thank you Cecil for your informative presentation.
Feel free to contact Cecil W. Unrau at:
Home:  778-237-7237
Work:   604-469-4712