I attended the SFPP committee meeting last night, the team is doing an awesome job
for our club. Breweries are signed up, sponsors are almost completed, we are only a
few hundred short of our goal in the sponsorship area. Many thanks to Jason, Ian,
Brian, Julia, Keith, Alan, and Ron for all their efforts so far. We just need to push
ticket sales now, if you have tickets you can not sell please return them to Ron ASAP.

 Poker night, if you are interested, is coming up on Thursday night at my house. Starts
at 6PM with bring your own appies. Good fellowship, please let me know if you can make it.

We are hosting with Area D the NewZealand GSE, they are coming to our city on April 28th.
Please ask Ann how you can help.

Planning is well underway for the Generous Hearts Food Drive, we need people to sign up for
the two stores in Port Moody. Please see Jason or Keith to sign up.

We are going to try our new meeting format this week, the meeting will start at 7:15 - but
breakfast will be delayed until 7:40. This will allow the St James's well to cook the exact amount
of food required.

See you on Wednesday...

