ImageToday was a good day......Gayle lead the charge with asking for volunteers, for 'socks' and thanks to Dan & World Help Network we also received, toiletries, and blankets.

Although this is a very busy time of year, The Rotary Club of Port Moody always 'shows up' and 'comes through'.  We have never had any trouble getting volunteers for this project and thank you to Thriftys for the food donation this project only costs the club about $100.00.... $100.00 very well spent I would say !!!!

Thank you to Chief Chef Alan, President Jon, PP Isy, PP Gary, PP Gayle, Naomi [who washes and washes dishes all day long] and myself at Miller, thank you to Chief Chef Ron, Cleone, Patty & Don, & Dan.

We chopped, cooked, set the table, put out the gifts of socks, candy cane, shampoo, conditioner, body lotion and body wash, and most importantly, 'talked' with the men. We asked the staff if our gift is what they need or would something else be more suitable....the answer was....THANK YOU, THANK YOU, most of the men come with only the clothes on their backs and maybe a small pack....maybe next year we can add toothbrushes & paste.  

This year, the same as all years before we had 29 most GRATEFUL men who were so very happy that we came out to do something for them. 

At Miller, Gary gave the Blessing and then after lunch he talked to the men about what Rotary is and why we were there.  You could of heard a pin drop and by the end, there was hardly a dry eye in the room....Thank you Gary, you did an outstanding job.

As I have said many times before, this is the beginning of my Christmas season, and I think all Rotarians who volunteered or gave, feel exactly the same.  

All of these men are changing their lives ONE DAY AT A TIME....and once again THANK YOU ROTARY CLUB OF PORT MOODY.....

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