Again, another great meeting.  We had only two guests, Dan Dunlop [his third meeting] and our wonderful guest speaker Jerome Bouvier.....AND WOW what a message he had for us from the youth in our very own Community.  The Outreach Bus needs our help as well as the Youth in our community.  Please take time to say hello to the young people when you meet them on the street......They are the future of our Community !!!! We don't want to be known as Pocompton, CoQueer or Pot Moody.......NO NO NO.....
Peter thank you for explaining the HOCKEY POOL 'again' to us.  We give Peter such a hard time but really we all appreciate all the time you put into making this a fun thing for us to do.  
Once again, please sign up for all the upcoming events.
Club Christmas Party on December 11th - sign up on line
Joint Christmas Party with all Rotary Clubs on Wednesday December 10th at the BURRARD...
Innervisions Chili lunch - December 18th - sign up on line - we need shampoo's and soaps please
Ann has 'cards' for sale for $2.00 each.  They are blank cards with her beautiful photographs on them.  Great for Birthday's, Anniversary's, Christmas any occasion....Ann will donate all the money to the Nicaragua project for school supplies.  Thank you Ann!!!
That's it.....great meeting and it feels like WINTER ;o)
Jerome also spoke for a very short time about the book he wrote:
"Unbreakable" The Power of Human Spirit.....pick up a copy....a great read