....We watch a short video clip of a young mother learning a nursery rhyme after only 8 mo of education at this school.  She was 18 yrs old and was married around the age of 12. 

We watch a short video clip of a young mother learning a nursery rhyme after only 8 mo of education at this school.  She was 18 yrs old and was married around the age of 12. 
Bangladesh is the poorest of poorest slums in the world.   Country is over populated and is very poor.  Women have the poorest quality of life in peace time. 
Each student must turn around and teach 5 children what they have learned. This will assist in bringing a form of education to the slums.  Most mothers have felt their lives were over prior to attending the schools created by this society. 
Women have been able to move from despair  to optimism. 
Bangladesh  could be described as a moderate muslim nation. Education will be the foundation of raising the people out of the slums.  Gem has been living there for 8 years with his wife and 4 children and  he is also a recipient of the Queens Diamond Jubilee Award.  They opened their first school opened 7 years ago.  The husbands have beaten the mothers for attending these schools. Through Education the husbands have been learning from their wives and this has reduced the violence that occurs there.  The slum lords have felt threatened with this organization coming in to education the mothers.  
They also work with the Rotary clubs in Bangladesh as well as with the Bellevue club.  They do require capital support.  They have 12 schools operating at present.