Our Guest Speaker was our own Cleone Todgham

In partnership with Days for Girls International, and with a $5,000 grant from us, the Club sent Cleone to our friends in Grahamstown, South Africa, to assist them in setting up a vocational training programme based on the manufacture of Days for Girls kits.  Cleone is back, and shared her amazing experience with us.  She formed a partnership with several agencies to provide facilities, mentorship and support to the women who will benefit from this opportunity.    

In her Powerpoint presentation, Cleone introduced us to the people who will be participating in the program.   All the women are grandmothers, supporting up to 10 people.  They are receiving business training, and Cleone trained them in making the Days for Girls kits.  It was a month of problem-solving and making new friends.

We were also pleased that Cleone had some time to play with her friends in South Africa.  What an adventure, and job well done Cleone!