It was Wed Night Live at Restaurant Avenue Italia at The Golden Cove - live it was!
Rotarians, spouses, friends and potential Rotarians met for a couple of hours to talk, eat and drink together.
The Hors D's were delicious, generous and equalled a light supper and wine and water never stopped being poured. The enclosed patio was festive and just right for cosy temperature on this slightly chilly January evening.
Since a picture tells more than a hundred words I have chosen a few photos from this active, interactive gathering. I thought of adding captions to each person, but I decided you can actually read the faces and hear the captions. 
PVP Rotary Club has an exceptional high level of genuine friendship and I believe that in itself is a source of energy - and possibilities. This deep friendliness includes spouses, families and friends and it was reflected in the many engaging talks during Wed Night Live.
Since I had the privilege and duty to be the reporter of the night I asked questions and learnt there were no scandals or bad news. When eavesdropping I heard hot conversations about what Rotarians can do internationally and locally. At the end of March the news of the next territory for global activities will be revealed and for local community work, we might want to do another Crenshaw before it is needed, because we had such fun doing it on Jan 11.