Posted by John Thomas
The meeting was opened at 12:15 by Club President Patti Van Cleave and followed by the pledge of allegiance. Lunch was served and the meeting itself started about 12:43. The lunch meeting was held in the Winnetka Community House and there were 31 of our 55 members (44%) in attendance. Representing the WPD was John Muno, their Ex. Dir. Representing the Village was John Ripka, the Deputy Fire Chief A returnee was Arlene Presser , a member in years past.
ANNOUNCEMENTS:  President Patti noted that June 30 is the deadline for contributions to the Rotary Foundation to be applied to our Club. She urged all of us to make at least a minimum contribution so we may have a 100% participation as has usually been the case in the past.  She also noted there will be a Board Meeting next Thursday at 11:00
President –Elect Tom reminded us of the Installation Dinner on June 29 and urged all members attend and bring guests. He also reminded us that there is an installation of our new District Governor next month.
HAPPY BUCKS: Brooke Peppey volunteered big bucks in a general recognition of good feelings as did Arlene Presser. President Patti made an offering in recognition of her forthcoming trip to Atlanta for the Rotary International Convention.
SPEAKER:  David Berkenstein introduced our speaker, Joe Rosner, a former military and law enforcement officer whose topic was “Protect Yourself”.
He hoped to help club members learn how to keep themselves and their families safer from crime and violence. His informative program featured tips, tactics and techniques.  Joe also explodes myths about personal protection that you might have heard elsewhere, using humor and demonstration to maximize learning and fun. His primary tip was to be very aware of ones surroundings. While especially true in unfamiliar places after dark, challenges might also arise in daytime.
The first line of defense he said is to RUN. Then call 911 and say “assault in progress” which will get instant attention and reaction. He then counseled the best tool to carry is Pepper Spray as other implements are not really effective.
After taking some questions, Mr.Rosner drew the day’s lottery number and the meeting closed at 1:30.