Posted by Jim Dopler on Mar 28, 2018
Lyle Staab and Jim Dopler recently attended the Rotary Club of Des Plaines Trivia night.  They ended up part of the winning team for the night!  Who knew.  Jim appeared to be the only one in the room who had ever heard of Taylor Swift and her current number one hit.  Lyle's knowledge of video games was amazing.  Over 100 Rotarians and community members were on hand to see the "crowning" ceremony..  This was a great event with a buffet dinner, gift baskets to bid on, and or course, great conversation.  Lyle and Jim are encouraging RCLG club members to visit other area clubs and their fundraising events this Spring as we investigate some new fundraising ideas.  No need to recreate the wheel.  Let's learn from the other Clubs in our District.