Are you having problems receiving Rotary emails sent from ClubRunner? Our email distribution tool is perceived by some email servers as "junk" or "spam" mail. So, email from your club (such as The Spokesman), or from club members (such as the president's emails on Sundays) may be diverted to your junk folder. It may help you to establish an email "contact" for your Rotary club. This essentially tells most email servers that Rotary emails are "ok" to place in your inbox. To save you time, a Rotary Contact Card was created for you that contains most of the ClubRunner email addresses used to send you mail. All active members will receive a copy of an updated contact card later this week. Hopefully, all you need to do is "right click" on it and then select "save" to add it to your contacts. Alternatively, you should be able to open the attachment, and then save it to your contacts.