May 05, 2016
Gina Regan
Guatemala Literacy Project

I hope you are well. I want to thank you for Chicago O’Hare Rotary club’s contribution to the Guatemala Literacy Project (GLP) back in 2002. 

2002 was a long time ago, so to refresh your memory, the GLP is the largest grassroots multi-club, multi-district, multi-country initiative in the entire Rotary world not directed by Rotary International itself. Its goal is to break the cycle of poverty in Guatemala through education. Since 1997, 477 Rotary clubs from 67 districts and seven countries have come together to bring more than $3.6 million dollars to Guatemala. The GLP’s educational programs are among the most sustainable in the world and empower local communities to take ownership after Rotarians’ initial investment.

Gina Regan

Senior Development Coordinator
Cooperative for Education
513.661.7000 x.112

