May 14, 2015
SMUD - 3 Presenters, see bio (Mtg @ Waffle Barn)
Rate Increase Proposal for 2016

Ed Hamzawi - SMUD Director of Customer Solutions

Ed is has been with SMUD for over 15 years.  He is also a Folsom resident.  He is responsible for delivering several of SMUD's services:

  • Energy Efficiency programs
  • Solar Energy programs
  • Customer Assistance programs

He is one of many SMUD presenters for community outreach to provide customers with information on the proposed rate increase over the next year or two.  Since he is a Folsom resident, he volunteered to be a presenter for various meetings throughout our community.

Salina Cheung - SMUD Rate Specialist

Selina will be assisting with the presentation.  She will answer the detailed and specific rate questions.

Denise Myasaki Watts - SMUD Community Engagement & Community Relations 

Denise will also be available for help with the presentation