
In accordance with the Rotary Club of Torquay Inc. Rules and Bylaws nominations for Board positions are to be called for at the Club meeting one month prior to the scheduled Annual Meeting. 

As that meeting is scheduled for Monday 18th November, the call for nominations will be at the Club meeting on 14th October. 

Nominations need to be in writing and are to include the signatures of the nominator, seconder and nominee.  Nomination forms can be obtained from the Club Secretary. 

Completed forms need to be received by the Secretary before the start of the meeting on 18th November. 

Where two or more nominees exist for a particular position then a ballot will be conducted.  In that case a win will be declared by simple majority of the votes on hand.  The use of proxy votes is specifically precluded in the Rules and bylaws.  Only those members present at the meeting are able to cast votes. 

If you require any further information on this process please contact our President-Elect Gerard McNamara.