Did you know...
  • there are 15 club members with 100% attendance for 2016-2017?
  • there are another 11 club members who are just 1-3 makeups away from perfect attendance?
  • you can track your attendance?  The ClubRunner App now provides that info - or log into our website and click on "My Attendance".
So what is all this Rotary makeup talk? 
  • "I'm new to Rotary..."  Makeups are an opportunity to get attendance credit for attending other Rotary club meetings (visit RI.org when you travel to find a club) or serve on a committee, volunteer for an event, or just gather with 3 or more Club members when you talk about something pertaining to Rotary.
  • "I never promised to attend every meeting..."  True. However, attending meetings regularly allows you to learn through great speakers, and assures you will be in the know about opportunities for service above self .
  • "I attended a number of special meetings a few months back..."  makeups in our club can be rolled over for 180 days until they are needed.  In fact, your makeups are banked until needed to cover a missed regular club meeting.
  • "I have no idea what to do to get credit for makeups..."  No problem.  If you attend an official club function (fundraiser, district meeting, highway cleanup, etc.) you automatically get credit.  However, if you attend another club meeting or participate in some sort of committee meeting, you will need to inform Mark Shockey by sending an email to EdinaMorningsideRotary@gmail.com.