From The Top
Co-President Scott opened the meting with the pledge led by Chris Cunningham, and grace by Gus Fishel. Megan Noble’s guest was Kim Skillen, and Jason Tewes joined us once again.
September Food DriveMany thanks to this month’s food drive volunteers: Warren Light, Josie Titcomb, Michael Simon, James and Chris Cunningham.
Bread Run Volunteers – More thanks to our bread run volunteers who collect and distribute bread and other baked goods six days a week, every week, every month of the year: Michael Simon, Angela Charron, Warren Light, Chris Cunningham, , Tom Whelan, John Stellin, George Murray, Josie Titcomb, Karl Brandt, Frank Seibert, Neil and Jeanne Weingarten.
Food Drive Changes – To lighten the workload on BRC members, our monthly, weekend food drives will now be conducted at just one location. We still need a couple of volunteers to organize the project, solicit and coordinate monthly food drive volunteers. If you can help with these very important tasks, please contact Charlie Spencer ( or Scott Lockwood ( NOW.
New Fundraising Ideas – Several new ideas are being explored for new BRC fundraisers. Among them are Circle Around Argyle Lake, Dog (or pet) Walk, Talent Show, No Energy (zero entropic) Fundraiser. If you have any thoughts on the subject, please contact Scott or Charlie asap.
Speakers Needed – We’re back on track scheduling programs and guest speakers for our regular weekly meetings. If you know of someone who has an engrossing tale, community or organization news update, or anything else that you think would be of interest to the general membership, please contact Kathy Moore ( asap. All members are also encouraged to give a talk about themselves, hobbies, vignettes about recent or past experiences, etc. Contact Kathy to schedule your talk.
Just Desserts – The club leadership is trying to wean us away from the institutionalized squares of nondescript desserts that we’ve been consuming for the past few years. Their plan is to have each member supply his or her favorite desserts for one or two meetings during the year. Homemade delectables are encouraged for those with distinguished culinary skills. Scott will be scheduling the process shortly.
Club Notices – Since fewer than half of our members open the weekly newsletter, open Clubrunner e-mails, or views the club website on a regular basis, important club notices will now be posted on the BRC Facebook page, and meeting reminders will be sent via text messages.
No Meeting November 21st – We will not hold our regular meeting on Wednesday, November 21st, the day before Thanksgiving.
Holiday Party – This year’s Holiday Party has been scheduled for Friday, December 7th; the party venue is TBD.
Today’s Meeting
No program or guest speaker was scheduled for today. Most of the meeting time was consumed by announcements and discussion of today’s board meeting deliberations.
Next Week’s Program
Jason Tewes, Director of Development of Suffolk County Council, Boy Scouts of America, will speak about pending, big changes in the BSA organization at our next regular meeting on Wednesday, September 19th.