Monday 8 April was a very special Club meeting as there were fantastic speakers, an international guest  from Zurich in Erwin Carigiet, and the Club was very pleased to host  guests from the Salvation Army's Building Bridges Programs.
Erwin very kindly exchanged a memento from his Rotary Club with Steve Wylie and gave an outline of his Club's program relating to immigration. It is great that rotarians from around the world feel comfortable as Erwin did, after  seeing details about our Club on the website, to book to come along and join us at our meeting. We hope many more international rotarians and friends come along to our meetings.
Norman Gale from the Salvation Army and Sue Davis, who leads the pronunciation classes as part of the Building Bridges program, spoke enthusiastically about the the benefits of the program in assisting many people who are new to Australia and developing their language skills. They also referred to the assistance members of the Club have provided with mock job interviews for the language class participants. It was a thrill for the Club to be able host members of the program who have arrived in Australia from all across the globe.