Posted by Brian Simpson
We had 13 members in attendance. Dan ran the meeting in the absence of President Kaye.
Technology Discussion
We had a discussion around whether or not we should be set up to run hybrid meetings.  The conferencing technology is available at a cost of around $2 000.  There are issues around portability/weekly set up.  District may help with the cost.
Bernard Update
Robin let us know that Bernard has had his operation and is going well.
Wheelchair Project
Robin gave a most interesting talk on the Wheelchair Project.  $200 is all it takes to make a wheelchair, and Rotary has sent some 70 000 overseas – changing people’s lives.  Robin showed a great video of just ow the wheelchairs are made.
We discussed visiting the shed where they are produced a week prior to a market with a view of publicising the project at the markets.
If you would like to know more about the project Click Here to check out their website
Foundation Director
Martin will take on the role of Foundation Director now that Paul has left the club.