We were lucky to have Prof. Chris Hollis of the University of Nottingham join us for breakfast on Tuesday morning.
Prof. Hollis was visiting New Zealand as part of the partnership between our club, Auckland University Medical School, and the Tedd & Mollie Carr Trust, through which global experts in Child & Adolescent Mental Health travel to NZ to share their research in this field.
It was great to hear about the current research on the impact of digital devices and social media on the mental health of young people from Prof. Hollis.
We were also fortunate to be joined by Prof. Sally Merry, Dr Hiran Thabrew and Dr Grant Christie of Auckland University Medical School. In addition, we were also joined by Gail Stevens and Dr Ron Goodey of the Tedd & Mollie Carr Trust.
Thank you very much for sharing these insights with us Prof. Hollis - this is highly relevant and topical research.