Camp Activities
Camp Fire
The campfire is the center of camp life. Our fire pit is located near the main playing field and midway between the Wash House, the Kirk Building, and Cabin 1.

The central campsite has a large playing field equipped with a softball backstop, a basketball net, and a volleyball net.  Basketballs, soccer balls, volleyballs, softballs, gloves and bats, and a ring-toss game are available.

The waterfront has a grassy area and a sand and gravel beach with a gentle slope. The swimming area is marked off with ropes and floats.

Crafts, Drama, and Indoor Games
Enjoy indoor activities in the Redmond Recreation Hall, the basements of the Kirk Building, and the Dining Hall.

Hiking Tenting and Nature Study
Hike the Blue Trail, which loops around the property. Study trees, plants, and wildlife in our seventy acres of mixed forest. Pitch your tent out-of-doors and star gaze.

Water Sports
Bring your canoes and kayaks and launch them in Lake Mockingee and paddle around Mockingee and Falls Lake.