Posted on Aug 27, 2021
Click below to read the latest message from the President, Francis Cochrane. 
I hope everyone is keeping well, safe and sane.
If you are concerned with anything please pick up the phone and call. We need to stay in touch and support one another in these uncertain times.
Unfortunately, it looks like we will continue to be in lockdown for some time to come. For now, we are keeping our fortnightly ‘Chat’ meetings via Zoom. This meeting schedule will be discussed in our upcoming Board of Directors meeting.
With regard to our Club projects, I am very pleased to advise that our donation to the SECC has been completed. I want to personally acknowledge and thank the anonymous donation from one of our members. Thank you.
Please visit the District Website on: for all the latest Rotary news and activities.
Looking forward, please pencil in your diaries, our District Governor visit on October 19. This will be a cluster meeting with our neighbouring Rotary Clubs. Details will be advised as soon as possible.
In the meantime, if you have any suggestions for our Club on how we can be better or help more, please let us know.
Best wishes,
PS: Don’t know about you but I need a haircut.
Yours in Rotary,
President 2021-22