Business Meeting of the Rotary Club of Brighton
Notice of Motion by R Clay, second by R Steve that Brighton Rotary contribute $10,000 to the Legion Roof campaign. After confirmation from Treasurer Chris that we have the money. This motion was passed.
Report from Treasurer Chris: All Rotarians were provided a copy of the financial statements to September 30, 2018 via email.
R Chris briefly went through income and expanses for the month of September.
He noted we are now getting income from Local Lager based on $0.20 per can sold through the local Brighton Beer Store.
We have about $63,000 in the bank but also have outstanding commitments, the largest includes $25,000 to new stage in Memorial Park.
R Ricardo gave a brief update on the Youth Exchange Program. Stories from Emily and Abby have been submitted to the Independent, waiting to be published but available on-line.
A third host family was found for Eloisa, but Ken Lewis's family have offered to take her back in spring and this seems to be favourable.
R Joyce took Eloisa to Glen Ross yesterday and Eloisa will attend District Conference in Wellington this weekend.
Outbound student Rochelle got in a little trouble with other students involving alcohol. Seems to have worked out.
Expect 4 applications from ENSS students for next year. Ricardo is looking for Rotarians to help select student. Also for others to be part of committee for the exchange program.
R Daphne reported on funds to village in Nepal. Some issues getting money to them in future will work through a club to club exchange. The farm cooperative is working on the pool and fencing around it.
R Murray reminded Rotarians of upcoming events such as Santa Claus Parade Nov 16. We need generator looking at for this and may need new one.
R Emily Thanks Linda Walas, Coats for Kids program is being taken care of.
R Clay looking for best way to send $300 to Isaac in India and $100 to chimpanzee sanctuary in Uganda.
R Daphne reported that interact club at ENSS meeting weekly,  They have core of 6 or 8 students, some from earlyact programs in Elementary Schools. They plan to start selling hot chocolate in November as fund raiser, also looking at food drives and other events for the coming year.