Note: Moving forward we are going to try having board meetings at our Regular Friday morning meetings in place of our business meeting.
Next Board meeting will be Friday August 23 at 7am. The stories and normal fun we have a board meetings will have to be curtailed to try and keep meetings to one hour. It is expected that some procedures will be prepared.
For this Business Meeting - Report on Board Meeting of July 23, 2019. Minutes and financials distributed July 24th.
R Chris went through the financial statements ending June 30, 2019. This was a year end report. In general, we ended year close to budget with exception of the $10,000 we donated to the Legion roof that was not budgeted. It was a year to spend funds we had in the bank so we were not sitting on a lot of cash. We ended year with $19,256 in bank with outstanding commitments of $5,627.
R Chris also presented draft budget for this current year 2019/2020. However, it shows us spending money we don't have, so important that fundraising committee organize, meet and develop a plan to raise funds.
R Murray for Club Service issues reported as 'announcements'.
R Joyce for New Generations reported that we are supporting the 2020 Interclub Spelling Bee at cost to club of $500.
Club is also supporting Hanna Macausland and Hanna Haytaoglu, two ENSS students who have opportunity to represent Brighton and Canada at the international Science Fair in Abu Dhabi in September with $1,000.
R Emily for Community Service reported that the club will support Project Hope at ENSS as a $500 sponsor.
R Clay for International Service reported that Brazil global grant application waiting for RI decision.
R Chris reported that correspondence came in regarding Project Peanut Butter in Africa and will be reviewed at a future board meeting. We did not have this request prior to our last meeting.