A quick word from the service chair -


Since day #1 in the eClub, we have been determining what Service looks like for us, spread apart as we are.  Two thoughts to consider about this:


The 5010 Big Clean project (more explanation needed for new members) demonstrated a format and way to take small acts in many places and gather them into a larger effort.  Collectively, we could say that our membership put forth ____ hours in ____# of areas towards this effort; in this case, picking up litter. 


An expectation of members volunteering at any location of their choice has been considered with our club in the past. We heard from Hal Kibbe's (presentation on the State of Jefferson eClub) that members have an hours-per-quarter goal.


If you have inclinations or ideas about how you would like to see our club approach Service in the coming year, please let us know!